Alpine flowers - viewed with a magnifying glass - are like a painting, finely drawn and in bright colours. In the following paintings, I have translated into pictures what I have captured in macro photography. And in a modern form, in my geometric Segment Art style, spatulaed with acrylic.

Gemälde Enzian

Nr. 70


This well-known flower grows only a few centimetres high. It shines out of the green meadow in wonderful shades of blue. The calyx is bright and has calyx teeth. A great motif for a modern flower painting in segment art style.

Acrylic on canvas 130 x 100 cm

Gemälde Löwenzah

Nr. 82


In spring you can find it everywhere. Whole meadows are full of these beautiful golden-yellow flowers. Wonderful colours and plays of light and shadow are revealed when you look at the flower under a magnifying glass or as a macro photo.

Acrylic on canvas  130 x 100 cm

Gemälde Silberdiestel

Nr. 83

Silver Diesel

The silvery-white shiny petals splash apart like fireworks. This spiky flower, which only grows a few centimetres high, inspired me to take this picture.

Acrylic on canvas 130 x 100 cm

Gemälde Feldenzian

Nr. 84

Field gentian

Acrylic on canvas 130 x 100 cm

At an altitude of 2200 m I photographed these bright purple flowers like a cushion at the foot of a rock. The interesting shape and the beautiful colours tempted me to paint them.

Gemälde Knabenkraut

Nr. 85


This small flower, which belongs to the orchid family, is beautifully drawn. You have to look at it under a magnifying glass or as a macro photo to see the beautiful spotted petals in all their glory.

Acrylic on canvas 130 x 100 cm

Gemälde Wollköpfige Kratzdister

Nr. 86

Woolly thistle

A tall, mostly feathery flower, with strong spines. It is found in the Alps. The large, red-purple flower grows out of a spherical silvery-green bud. Diagonally growing branches gave the idea to divide the segments into diagonals.

Acrylic on canvas 130 x 100 cm

Gemälde Alpen-Aster

Nr. 87

Alpine Aster

This beautiful wild alpine flower is often found in the mountains. A golden-yellow flower head framed by a purple, radiantly spreading corona. An expressive picture in this enlargement.

Acrylic on canvas 130 x 100 cm

Gemälde Habichtkraut

Nr. 89


Most flowers in the Alps are yellow, like this hawkweed, which is found everywhere in the mountains. The petals have jagged ends. They look light and cheerful in Picchio's picture.

Acrylic on canvas 80 x 80 cm

Gemälde Johanniskraut

Nr. 90

St. John's wort

A yellow flower with splashy inflorescences and spotted petals radiates from this picture, which is also a remedy for depression, etc. You can feel the effect when you look at the picture.

Acrylic on canvas 80 x 80 cm

Gemälde Rapunzelblume

Acrylic on canvas 80 x 80 cm

Nr. 91

Rapunzel flower

The entire flower head is only 1.5 - 2 cm in size. Like sparks, the individual blue-violet lancets spray in all directions. I have tried to express this firework of flowers in my Segment Art style.

Studio D’Artecon Sagl

Via E. Pestalozzi 15

CH-6618 Arcegno /Switzerland

Tel: +41 (0)91 791 44 53

E-mail: studio(at)dartecon.net