I apply the acrylic colours with a palette knife on top of each other, wet in wet, unmixed, so that they only combine in the eye of the perceiver to create the corresponding colour effect.

Gemälde abstrakt rot

Nr. 166

Abstract “Red”

Here the segments are strongly expressed. Red, interrupted by white and black. A simple but very expressive image. 

Acrylic on canvas 80 x 80 cm

Gemälde abstrakt blau und pink

Nr. 168

Abstract “Blue-Pink”

Blue and pink interspersed with white. Clear colours. The segment art style makes the image even more vivid.

Acrylic on canvas 80 x 80 cm

Gemälde abstrakt gelb

Nr. 167

Abstract “Yellow”

Yellow is a signal colour. However, each of the segments is slightly different due to incorporated different colours.

Acrylic on canvas 80 x 80 cm

Gemälde abstrakt blauer Mond

Nr. 139

Abstract “Blue Moon”

Acrylic on canvas 80 x 80 cm

Spatulaed in strong structures, main colour white, divided into segments, with blue round centre. - The acrylic material is thickly filled.

Gemälde abstrakt schwarz-orange Platz
Gemälde abstrakt weiss und blau Platz

Nr. 153

Abstract “White-Blue square”

Acrylic on canvas 80 x 80 cm

Nr. 154

Abstract “Black-Orange square”

Spatulaed in strong structures, main colour black, divided into segments, with strong centre in orange.

Acrylic on canvas 80 x 80 cm

Spatulaed in strong structures, main colour white, divided into segments, with a blue square centre, which ends in orange on the left.

Donated for the Aidshilfe Berlin

Gemälde Orange-Rot Kreis

Acrylic on canvas 80 x 80 cm

Nr. 155

Abstract “Circle Orange-Red”

Spatulated in strong structures in circular orange-red segments, only part of which is visible.

Nr. 158, 156, 157

Abstract “on-stage Blue/Yellow/Red”

Like stage sets that change colours, these 3 images go well together in the main colours blue, yellow, red-violet. 

Nr. 157

Acrylic on canvas 90 x 40 cm 

Nr. 159

Abstract “white with blue fan”

A fantasy in white with fine blue fanned elements that strongly emphasise my Segment Art style.

Acrylic on canvas 70 x 30 cm

Nr. 159

Abstract “Profile yellow”

Acryl on canvas 90 x 40 cm

Across the segments, yellow profiles are glued onto the three-dimensional image.

Gemälde abstrakt Grün

Acrylic on canvas 120 x 120 cm

Nr. 245

Abstract “The Last Green”

If mankind continues to pollute the environment, cut down primeval forests and the world population continues to grow, sooner or later we will see no more green...

Enjoy it while it's still here!

Gemälde abstrakt wasser blau
Abstrakt construction Stelen

Acrylic on canvas 70 x 100 cm

Acrylic on canvas 120 x 120 cm

Nr. 135

Abstract “Construction Nr. 4”

Als ich Installationen mit bemalten Balken und Stelen machte, habe ich auch angefangen, Bilder zu konstruieren mit Balken als konkrete Kunst.

Nr. 246

Abstract “Acqua”

It is fascinating to see water in all its different manifestations, as rain, as a waterfall, as a river, as the sea or the lake, as the shower, etc.. It reflects the surrounding colours, even though it is transparent.

And it even has taste.

Gemälde abstrakt konstruktion stelen

Nr. 165

Abstract “Construction Nr. 2”

Acrylic on canvas 70 x 100 cm

Gemälde abstrakt stelen

Acrylic on canvas 100 x 70 cm

Nr. 192

Abstract “Construction Beams”

Geälde abstrakt mit Balkenkonstruktionen

Nr. 193

Abstract “Construction ”

Acrylic on canvas 100 x 70 cm

Studio D’Artecon Sagl

Via E. Pestalozzi 15

CH-6618 Arcegno /Switzerland

Tel: +41 (0)91 791 44 53

E-mail: studio(at)dartecon.net